How to support

Fundraising goals and updates

Currently the fundraising goal for this 3-year project is 12,000$.  Roughly 4,000$ a year is needed to fund the project. Expenses include travel expenses, a modest per diem for the counter, support for writing the annual report, and miscellaneous (copying data sheets, plastic owl decoys, weather equipment).

How to donate

As of 4/15/19 donating to CBHW will not be possible until I am able to work out a better system for donations and distribution of the funds.  I greatly appreciate everyone who donated in 2019 for making my fundraising efforts so easy.  After camping in -16F temperatures for several weeks I didn't have the energy to track down donations.  I also greatly appreciate all of the early donors whom I didn't even have to ask.  That initial momentum you helped create is what kept me focused this count season.  Another great success this season is the fact that I came in well below my initial budget.  I will provide a detailed follow up email to each of my donors below with how the funds will be used and distributed for the 2019 season.